Beware The Ides of March

Launching March 15

To Commemorate The 2069th anniversary of Julius Cesar's Death and the 5th anniversary of the 1st Covid Lockdown in Geneva we are Preparing something Special. Stay Fruity




SafeHeart Alarm

CHF 13.80

SafeHeart Alarm

CHF 13.80

EN |Compact and Portable Personal Safety Alarm designed for Emergency Situations. Emmit up to 100dB alerting people in case of an emergency and detering potential threats and is equipped with a LED Flashlight


FR |Alarme de sécurité personnelle compacte et portable conçue pour les situations d'urgence. Émet jusqu'à 100 dB pour alerter les gens en cas d'urgence et dissuader les menaces potentielles, et est équipée d'une lampe de poche à LED


DE |Komfortable und tragbare persönliche Sicherheitsalarm, entworfen für Notfallsituationen. Gibt bis zu 100 dB aus, um Menschen im Notfall zu alarmieren und potenzielle Bedrohungen abzuschrecken, und ist mit einer LED-Taschenlampe ausgestattet


IT |Allarme di sicurezza personale compatto e portatile progettato per situazioni di emergenza. Emette fino a 100 dB per avvisare le persone in caso di emergenza e dissuadere potenziali minacce, ed è dotato di una torcia LED


ES |Alarma de seguridad personal compacta y portátil diseñada para situaciones de emergencia. Emite hasta 100 dB para alertar a las personas en caso de emergencia y disuadir amenazas potenciales, y está equipada con una linterna LED



The watermark and the dark blue background are not part of the sticker 

Cat Carrousel

At Sphinx we ONLY care about your Cat's opinion

Send us a picture on Instagram of your Cat overlord reviewing our product alongside their comment for a chance to be featured on our Cat Carrousel